Privacy Policy


Our Software & Services come packed with a bunch of cool stuff, like news, messages, ads, games, and more. Some of it's from us, and some from third parties - it's all part of the deal.

Your Personal Information

Just so you know, we don't gather any of your Personal Information. That means we're not interested in stuff like your name, address, or how to reach you.

Non-Personal Information

We're not into collecting Non-Personal Information either. Things like your device type, Android version, language settings, or country code - it's not our thing.

Storage, Use, and Disclosure of Information

Because we don't collect Personal or Non-Personal Information, there's nothing to store, use, or share about you. Your privacy remains untouched.

Third-Party Services

We make your experience better with ads from third parties (we call them Third Party Services). Each of these guys has their own privacy rules, so take a peek at them when you get a chance.


We're clear about cookies too. They're like digital nametags that help websites work better. We don't use them ourselves, but some third-party stuff in our app might. You can say yes or no to these cookies and get a heads-up when they're sent to your device. Keep in mind, saying no might limit some of our app's cool features.

Children's Privacy

Our Services aren't for kids under 13. We don't go after personal info from young ones, and if we accidentally get it, we'll delete it pronto.

Security Measures

We take your security seriously. We've got physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in place to keep your info safe. Only the folks who need your data for making the app work, improving it, or keeping it running can access it. While we do our best, remember, no system is entirely bulletproof.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

We may tweak this privacy stuff from time to time. When we do, we'll slap a new "Revised" date on it, and it goes live right away. If we make big changes, we'll give you a shout-out - either by posting it in a big way or dropping you a line. It's a good idea to check in now and then to stay in the loop.

Contact Us

Got questions or thoughts about our privacy stuff? Shoot us an email. Your privacy is a big deal, and we're all about making sure your experience with our Software & Services is safe and sound.
